We make performances. And we like watching TV – mostly online. However, it is not always easy to find something to watch. Would it not be helpful, then, if there was a platform that curated and produced video works for an audience that otherwise likes to watch performance? Not as a substitute for going to the theatre, but as an alternative to Netflix or YouTube: with UNREALITY TV, we hope to introduce such a platform. We, that is, a performance collective producing participatory site-specific web series since 2013.
Many artists working in performance and live art also make videos and films. They are shown as part of exhibitions or live events or they are published online. Despite having the potential to be constantly available online and to reach diverse and dispersed publics, many videos disappear again quickly or do not find their audiences. With UNREALITY TV, we aim to establish a curated platform where performance videos are accessible constantly and for free.
We are looking for videos for UNREALITY TV, and there are different ways to contribute:
- You have already produced and published videos online? Maybe they could be part of the UNREALITY TV programme –send us an email with links to the videos until 7 November 2021.
- You have unpublished videos that you think would fit – send us an email with the file or a link until 7 November.
- There is video material in your archive that you have not yet had the time to edit or films that need a bit more work – we can offer small budgets of up to €300 to finalise such videos and publish them on UNREALIT TV – send us an email with a short description of the work, excerpts and let us know what still needs to be done until 7 November.
- You have an idea for new video works – we offer small budgets of up to €2000. Send us a short description, links to other work you have made and a budget until 7 November.
Applications can be informal – we will ask if something is unclear. We will get back to you within a few days. Videos have to be with us until 12 December. There will be an online launch on December 19 – SAVE THE DATE!
There are no specific requirements regarding duration, themes, genre or the number of videos you can contribute. We are particularly interested in works that fit in the context of a video streaming platform – serial works, artistic appropriations of existing TV formats (News Broadcast, Game Show, Nature Documentary…).
Application by email to

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.